Glastonbury is revered by many as a sacred place and to this day it still attracts pilgrims as it did hundreds and possibly thousands of years ago. The town is an impressive blend of Medieval, Georgian and Victorian architecture.

Explore the town’s historic buildings, the museum and we are just 10 minutes walking distance to all the famous sites including the Tor, the Abbey and Chalice Well.

The signs of Glastonbury’s mythical and legendary significance are everywhere, in its shops selling crystals and books on the Arthurian legends and the Holy Grail, in the Glastonbury Thorn that is said to have grown from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, or in the legend of the fairies who lived on Glastonbury Tor.

You might say that, in Glastonbury, anything goes. But as well as being enshrouded in myth and legend, Glastonbury is also a place of more solid history that grew up around the Abbey, one of the greatest Christian strongholds in Britain before the Reformation.

Explore the area / What’s On …

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Between two hills, the Tor and Chalice Hill, in Glastonbury, Somerset, there is an ancient Spring that flows from the ground in the valley. This is the Chalice Well. The Well today is surrounded by beautiful gardens in the Summerlands, where Tennyson wrote, ‘The island valley of Avalon, where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow.’ Water diviners and specialists have reported that the Spring has a ‘primary’ origin coming from deep within the earth.

A unique sense of place combining history, spirit and legend. it is a tranquil setting where you can discover the stories, explore the 36 acres of grounds and enjoy a range of events and activities.

Glastonbury Festival is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world and a template for all the festivals that have come after it.

Beltane or May Day Celebrations take place in Glastonbury on the First Weekend of May every year. It is a pagan tradition to celebrate the arrival of spring.

The Goddess Conference is a annual event held in Glastonbury, England where we remember and reclaim the Divine Feminine,explore and experience Goddess.

As a modern day Goddess-loving organisation and community based in Glastonbury, Somerset, we are dedicated to the development of a spirituality tradition rooted in the empowerment of women and men.

Glastonbury has become a place where Christian and pagan beliefs mingle.

Glastonbury Extravaganza is organised by Glastonbury Festivals and is held at Glastonbury Abbey every August.

The annual Glastonbury Zombie Walk will take place on Glastonbury High Street on Saturday 29th Octob-arghhh! Road closure and dress up from 3pm.

The Somerset Carnivals are widely regarded as the largest illuminated processions in the UK and Europe and they are right in the heart of Somerset. Please do give generously to the collection as we rely on them to keep this carnival tradition alive year after year, aswell as it benefiting many local charities who help us collect the donations.

The Glastonbury Frost Fayre is An Extravaganza of Seasonal Magnificence When Our Community comes together to Celebrate ‘Peace and Goodwill to All’ at this Festive Time of Year.